SOON | New Book by Maria Teresa Alarcos
Teresa Alarcos is a member of this Program’s Advisory Board. She is the Chairwoman and Founder of W Startup Community, Founder and CEO of Connector Startup Accelerator
Today, startups make up a $ 2.8 trillion industry (World Economic Forum report 2019) growing at annual
Rate of 30%. If women were to undertake more, how much would that number be? How many jobs would be created? How much welfare would be generated? In Women who change the world, Teresa Alarcos gives voice to these questions and many others related to the presence of women in this fourth industrial revolution that we are experiencing, the technological one.
Through twenty-one real examples of successful women entrepreneurs, we witness an in-depth analysis of the digital gender gap, but also a reflection on what it means to be an entrepreneur today, on failures and successes, on the effects of the pandemic in the digital startup industry and about their future.
About The Author
Teresa M. Alarcos Tamayo Independent Board Director of several tech & family owned companies, and President-founder of Wstartup Community. She has executive experience of more than 20 years in multinational companies.
She is a member of the international network of Non-Executive Directors “Women Corporate Director”. Chapter leader / ambassador in Spain of Singularity University (Silicon Valley) and representative of the International Women’s Network.
She has received a grant from Banco Santander to carry out the W50 program at UCLA-Anderson, and the Good Corporate Governance program at IESE Business School. Lecturer and scholar on issues of disruption and strategy in various countries; she has published several articles on this subject. Business Angel at Harvard Club Business Angels Club.